### Definition of the StoryBoard file ### The storyboard file describes what to show, and the way to do it. It is composed by several sections, that may contain further subsections. Main definition blocks are: -Story -Product -Presentation Each of that blocks is defined by a specific XML tag. 1.0 Story This defines story presentation: in and out transitions, and possible start and end frames (for the whole story) Tag: Attributes: -mode: defines the kind of story with values "loop" (never ending) or "OneShot" (single pass) Allowed tags: , , , 2.0 Product This defines product presentation: layout, in and out transitions, etc. for every product in the catalog. It is generic definition (default for all the products): common parameters, like position for image and text boxes, some company static image, transition effects, etc. Tag: Attributes: Allowed tags: , , 3.0 Presentation Based on Story and Product defaults, this is the main wire. Here, every product is defined, one by one, or in some sort of reference to a database or plain text file. Tag: Attributes: bgcolor: default background color font: default font fontsize: default font size Allowed tags: 3.1 Product Definition Defines specific values for one product, also a frame set of the story. These include values for predefined boxes (defined into ), a list with subproducts to roll by, etc. Tag: Attributes: None. Allowed tags: ,
  • 3.1.1 Subproduct list: This defines a subproduct Tag:
  • Attributes: None. Allowed tags: 3.2 Variable assignment For every product, parametric variables have to resolve to a real value. This can be attained by direct assignment (using this tag), or by filling them up from an external file or database. Note that a may even override a static (default) value for that , if specified. Tag: Attributes: -name: name of the variable. Must be one defined into the tag. -src: specify the source file for this variable to be filled with (usually, an image, but could be also text, etc...) -value: specify an inmediate value for the variable. This may also be given as the tag content, instead of an attribute. Allowed tags: None 4.0 Generic tags These may appear in several sections 4.1 Introduction This is a starting frame definition (for story, product, etc.), inserted before the story start (if into tag) or before every product display (if present into section). It may include variable content (when you specify
  • tags inside, one is picked up in sequence). Tag: Attributes: None Allowed tags: ,
  • 4.2 Ending This is a closing frame definition (for story, product, etc.), appended after the story ends (if into tag) or after every product display (if present into section). Works like the tag. Tag: Attributes: Same as tag. Allowed tags: Same as tag. 4.3 Layout definition Describes a layout (for any frame). Tag: Attributes: -time: # of milliseconds between trasitions (static display time) Allowed tags: , , , 4.3.1 Opening transition Defines how to introduce a product or interproduct ad Tag: Attributes: -transition: kind of transition, one of the following: -white_fadein: from image to full white -white_fadeout: from full white to image (recommended) -time: # of milliseconds for the transition to perform Allowed tags: None. 4.3.2 Closing transition Defines how to end a product or interproduct ad Tag: Attributes: -transition: kind of transition, one of the following: -white_fadein: from image to full white (recommended) -white_fadeout: from full white to image -time: # of milliseconds for the transition to perform Allowed tags: None. 4.3.3 Interproduct transition Defines how to link subproducts into a product frame set Tag: Attributes: -transition: kind of transition, one of the following: -mix: do a smooth image mixing -time: # of milliseconds for the transition to perform Allowed tags: None. 4.4 Box definition A box is a rectangle that will contain some sort of information for display: an image, text... Tag: Attributes: -name: name for this box (used later to fill the value if not static) -top: vertical position for the top leftmost corner of the box. Might be negative. -left: horizontal position for the top leftmost corner of the box. Might be negative. -xref: "left", "right", "center". This offsets left value by 0, screen_width or screen_width/2 respectively -yref: "top", "bottom", "center". This offsets left value by 0, screen_height or screen_height/2 respectively -width: width of the box -height: height of the box -bgcolor: background color (if not specified => transparent) -type: "img" for image, "text" for text -value: you can specify a constant value, or leave it unspecified so it can be dinamically filled for every product or subproduct. This may also be given as the tag content, instead of an attribute, in such case, posible variable values are appended to this value, instead of replacing it. -src: you can specify the source file for this box to be filled with (usually, an image, but could be also text, etc...) -align: "left", "right", "center", "full" (shrink/expand) -valign: "top", "bottom", "center", "full" (shrink/expand) -font: font definition, for text boxes only. -fontsize: font size, for text boxes only. -fontcolor: font color, for text boxes only. -multiline: for text boxes, if it accepts auto line breaking -hscrolling: a numeric value with pixels/second (negative => right to left) for moving content into box -vscrolling: a numeric value with pixels/second (negative => bottom to top) for moving content into box